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Florida Massage Therapy Continuing Education Requirements

Accepting Home Study Courses for Live Requirement Extended to 2025 - The Florida Board of Massage announced that they will continue to allow specific, approved, home study courses to satisfy the "relevant to and focus on massage therapy techniques" category which were to be completed in a live, in-person setting. They have extended this change through the August 2025 renewal. In the box below you will find a list of the current courses approved to fulfill this category.

Massage therapy continuing education requirements for license renewal vary from state to state and the laws are constantly changing. It is our current understanding that for license renewal Florida requires massage therapists to complete 24 CE hours by August 31st of each odd-numbered year. NOTE: The HIV/AIDS CE requirement is only for for initial license renewal.

Your 24 CE hours must include 2 CE hours in Professional Ethics, 2 CE hours in the prevention of Medical Errors, 2 CE hours in Florida Laws and Rules, and 1 CE hour on Human Trafficking.

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If you would like to verify this information, or have further questions regarding your massage therapy continuing education requirements, we suggest contacting the Florida Board of Massage directly. The telephone number for the Florida Board is 850-245-4161 or visit their website at http://floridasmassagetherapy.gov/.

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 What is this?

The Institute for Integrative Healthcare Studies is approved by the NCBTMB as a continuing education Approved Provider (#049478-00). All of our continuing education programs can be used for National Certification renewal.

You may also use our credits for other organizations you may belong to, such as the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) or Associated Bodywork Massage Professionals (ABMP).