6 Benefits of Massage & Bodywork for Clients with Thyroid Disease
Learn more about the signs & symptoms of a challenged thyroid, as well as 6 ways massage and bodywork play a beneficial role for patients with thyroid disease.
Continue reading »The latest news, articles and information related to massage therapy and techniques.
Learn more about the signs & symptoms of a challenged thyroid, as well as 6 ways massage and bodywork play a beneficial role for patients with thyroid disease.
Continue reading »Learn about research that reveals four non-pharmacological approaches for effective hypertension management, including massage.
Continue reading »Learn more about how massage can be a valuable tool when it comes to alleviating the effects of grief, as well as the key components of a Grief Massage session.
Continue reading »As the massage therapy field evolves, there will be innovations and preferred new methods massage therapists may employ to service and care for clientele.
Continue reading »Essential oils have proven medicinal properties and can amplify the effectiveness of massage therapy. Few medicines have the capability of positively affecting the body, mind and spirit as powerfully as essential oils. This capability makes aromatherapy a logical choice when treating the effects of trauma.
Continue reading »Learn more about a Baker’s cyst and its symptoms, as well as how massage therapy can assist in the relief from this sometimes uncomfortable condition. Also, find out which massage techniques should be incorporated into a session when a client has a Baker’s cyst, and why it is important for bodyworkers to familiarize themselves with the signs, symptoms and risk factors associated with a deep vein thrombosis.
Continue reading »Learn what it means to be neurodivergent, how this can impact a massage therapist’s communication style with such clients, as well as any accommodations a therapist can make to ensure massage treatments feel safe and effective for neurodivergent clients.
Continue reading »Although massage therapists are accustomed to their touch inducing relaxation, this is not an automatic response for many people. However, the trust issues prohibiting some from enjoying bodywork can be relieved by a therapist’s commitment to helping clients feel safe.
Continue reading »Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, is a real and devastating cycle that is being fielded by an increasing number of healthcare professionals. Bodyworkers are often sought by people caught in this cycle. Massage therapists can provide the technique, care and support needed for PTSD healing to occur.
Continue reading »The number of military troops with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) has increased steadily over the years. The earlier it’s treated, the better the chances are for recovery. Learn how various massage therapy techniques can play an important part in the healing process of PTSD.
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