Artists and interior designers have long understood how color can dramatically affect moods, feelings and emotions. Color can be used to signal action, influence frame of mind and cause physiological reactions. Blue, purple and white are considered to be cool colors, a characteristic that has specific healing applications. In general, colors on the warm part of the light spectrum tend to initiate activity while colors on the cool part of the light spectrum tend to initiate inactivity. With the ability to influence both psychology and physiology, bodyworkers can incorporate their knowledge of color therapy into sessions for a therapeutic advantage.
The use of color as a form of therapy dates back to ancient healing practices of India, China and Egypt. These ancient techniques have now been adapted to modern day usage in the form of color therapy – a form of vibrational healing that utilizes the beneficial effects of different colors.
Feng Shui, the ancient art and science developed over 3,000 years ago in China, specifies how to balance the energies of any given space to optimize the well-being of a space’s occupants. Color is one of the elements used to influence a space’s energy by Feng Shui practitioners.
The Impact of Blue, Purple and White
When determining what colors to include in your massage space’s décor, room accents or other items used in bodywork, consider the following specific information about blue, purple and white:
- Blue – Representing the water element, blue is a common color used in bodywork spaces. One of the most popular colors for a healing office, blue causes the opposite reaction from red. The color of the sky and ocean, the water element brings calm, ease, purity and freshness. Color therapy denotes blue as a hue that imbues tranquility, devotion, inspiration and peace. Tranquil blue causes the body to produce calming chemicals, but in predisposed individuals, blue can be cold and depressing.
- Purple – Purple is not associated with a particular element and can be considered to be warm or cool depending on the shade. A purple with a red tint is more warming while a purple with a blue tint is more cooling. Feng Shui masters advise using the color purple in moderation – likely because this color has a very high vibration. Because of its intensity, experts advise using a lighter purple tone such as lavender if relaxation is desired. The color of royalty, purple connotes creativity, luxury, wealth, spirituality and sophistication. However, because it is rare in nature, purple can appear artificial.
- White – Representing the metal element, white contains all other colors. Its energetic properties are crisp, clear, clean and fresh with qualities of sharpness, precision and efficiency. The Feng Shui color of purity and innocence, white is also the color of beginnings and new possibilities. While using white in bodywork might help illicit feelings of cleanliness, freshness and accuracy, it might lead clients to feel that their therapist is unfriendly, cold and sterile.
How to Apply These Colors with Clients
Imbalances detected in an element or according to its energetics may be aided by thoughtful application of color. For example:
- A client with high blood pressure and anxiety could benefit from a soothing shade of blue.
- A client with a weak metal element as evidenced by depression or shortness of breath could benefit from a brilliant white color.
- A client who feels spiritually and creatively empty could benefit from a lavender color.
Before painting the walls and carpeting the floor of your massage therapy room blue, purple or white, the implications should be carefully considered. Because these colors are all relatively cool, they could leave clients yearning for warmth. As such, it may be wise to keep your healing space neutrally colored and introduce these colors for specific, therapeutic purposes. Therapeutic colors can be in the form of:
- Linens
- Artwork
- Candles
- Lighting
Color is a form of energy. Like any form of energy, color can affect our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Understanding how blue, purple and white impacts us can help massage therapists best determine when it is appropriate to introduce these colors into a bodywork session.
Recommended Reading:
Using Red and Orange Colors to Enhance a Massage
Yellow and Green Have Valuable Therapeutic Effects
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