Hip pain affects a wide array of individuals annually. With the many possible structures impacted in the hip region, a combination of varying complementary therapies, including massage therapy, may be needed to ease a client’s hip or pelvic injury.
The New Year is a time of renewal and new beginnings, which makes it a perfect time to imbue your massage practice with new life by adding fresh tools to your toolbox.
Find out the history of polarity therapy, as well as how polarity therapy is used to heal your entire life force – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Discover how massage therapists can make a difference in the lives of people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, as well as the best bodywork techniques to use on clients who have this mysterious disease. As a complementary treatment, massage for chronic fatigue syndrome can be successful.
Massage is an important adjunct to any exercise and diet plan. This information is a must share with any of your massage clients who are trying to reach their target weight.
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