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Massage Professionals Update

The latest news, articles and information related to massage therapy and techniques.

6 Precautions to Take with HIV-Infected Clients

If you are following standard universal precautions, you have nothing to fear from working with clients who may be infected with HIV. The fact is, we practice universal precautions because we can never know who does, or does not, have HIV, hepatitis, or other infectious viruses. By ensuring we practice universal precautions equally with all clients, we avoid the risks of becoming infected ourselves and of creating a situation where cross-infection between clients is possible.

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The Power Is in Your Hands: 3 Ways to Get More Clients

As massage therapists, one of the most difficult aspects of our profession is handling the business side of …well…of the business! As a group, massage therapists tend to be more interested in the healing aspects of our work and far less interested in handling the day to day duties that must be taken care of in order to thrive as a business. While this is as it should be, leaving the business details unattended can really cause significant problems.

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Sound Healing: 8 Health Benefits to Note

Sound healing as a modality is still in the early stages and is primarily used in the complementary and alternative healing arenas. In the massage therapy industry, we have long known that soft, relaxing music, chanting, and sounds can enhance the relaxation response we are seeking for our clients during the massage therapy session.

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3 Easy Ways to Welcome Gratitude in Your Life

Gratitude can improve our state of mind, our health, and our lives. While talking about gratitude may not seem on the surface to have much to do with massage therapy, when we look deeper into it we can see how important it can be for the industry. Most massage therapists recognize that there is a significant energy component to our work, especially those who practice any type of energy based bodywork. This is important, because gratitude is like a warranty plan for our energy work. Practicing gratitude can help reduce burnout and can improve our relationships with our clients. Gratitude is also very good for business!

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Discover How Massage Benefits the Disabled

Special populations such as those who suffer from debilitating diseases and conditions, those with brain and spinal cord injuries and those with developmental disabilities can benefit greatly from receiving massage therapy.

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