5 Benefits of Infant Massage You May Not Have Known
Why is massage so important for babies and young children?
Continue reading »The latest news, articles and information related to massage therapy and techniques.
Why is massage so important for babies and young children?
Continue reading »Discover more about massage therapy’s positive role in a drug, alcohol or nicotine recovery program.
Continue reading »Learn more about massage therapy’s critical role in easing symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis (MS), 5 cautions when working with this population, as well as the best 3 modalities to use with MS patients.
Continue reading »As massage therapists, it is vital that we have a full understanding of proprioception: what it does in the body, how it can maximize pain management, and how to utilize it to increase muscle length and range of movement throughout the client’s body.
Continue reading »Did you know that this ancient technique can aid in the treatment of myofascial points?
Continue reading »As massage therapists, we are careful to project a professional, even clinical, image in the effort to avoid problems from clients seeking sexual contact during their massage. There are many stereotypes and misdirected expectations around this issue along with a considerable amount of fear, especially from new therapists. Sometimes, with all the angst over sex that exists in the profession, it can be difficult to communicate honestly with clients and each other about how massage therapy impacts sexual health and function.
Continue reading »Find out why necklaces are an amazing asset for massage therapists when it comes to energetic healing and protection.
Continue reading »Find out how a massage, plus these two other actions, can help you beat the symptoms of the winter blues.
Continue reading »Having the right massage tools makes all the difference!
Continue reading »Massage therapy has been shown to significantly reduce pain, increase mobility and reduce stress and anxiety for clients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Clients with RA live with pain as a constant companion and truly appreciate any intervention which offers relief from that pain.
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