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Massage Professionals Update

The latest news, articles and information related to massage therapy and techniques.

6 Ways to Protect Your Hands

6 Ways to Protect Your Hands

Massage therapists tend to try too hard when both taking on, and working on clients, putting their hands at risk of repetitive strain injuries. We will look at six ways to protect your hands in order to extend your massage therapy career for years to come.

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How Massage Therapy Reduces Stress

How Massage Therapy Reduces Stress

By reducing cortisol and bringing about a state of relaxation and reducing anxiety, depression, and tension from acute and chronic life events – massage therapy can be a heart healthy addition to our self-care regimens.

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Trigger Point Therapy and the Weekend Warrior

Trigger Point Therapy and the Weekend Warrior

We all know someone, a co-worker or a friend, who is a weekend warrior. They are tied to a desk all week and then spend all weekend engaged in extreme sports, getting hurt and injured for their efforts. A common result of this weekend warrior strategy to fitness is acute trigger point activation. Let’s look how trigger point therapy can be used to treat the wounded weekend warrior.

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