Massage Therapy Aids Fertility Treatment
Fertility clinics are starting to include massage therapy in their practices, because its inclusion increases the likelihood of conception.
Continue reading »The latest news, articles and information related to massage therapy and techniques.
Fertility clinics are starting to include massage therapy in their practices, because its inclusion increases the likelihood of conception.
Continue reading »Developed in different parts of the globe, huǒ liáo and Watsu® utilize the power of fire and water to deliver another dimension of healing to massage therapy.
Continue reading »Massage therapy research will continue to have significant impact on the practice of massage in the United States and beyond. Massage therapists will quickly find themselves left behind if they do not make an effort to become involved in the research that will define our success, our best treatment practices – and increase our body of knowledge within the field.
Continue reading »Living with arthritis pain can be difficult and limiting. Encouragingly, there are many things you can do to manage the pain without medication. Massage therapy, supplements and a healthy diet go a long way toward reducing the inflammation that accompanies painful arthritic flare ups.
Continue reading »From islands in the Indian Ocean, to Taiwan, to Russia, bodywork techniques around the globe employ some interesting devices.
Continue reading »While massage therapy has gained greater acceptance in recent years with regard to its therapeutic value, one area still remains somewhat controversial. It is the field of massage for individuals with cancer. As time goes on though, the therapeutic value of oncology massage, or massage for those with cancer, is gaining recognition. Learn how the possible benefits of massage are currently being studied and used in oncology.
Continue reading »Over the last decade, cupping therapy has moved rapidly into the mainstream of Eastern bodywork therapies. Once seen as an ancient healing technique used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) from as far back as five centuries, modern cupping therapy introduces a wide array of instruments – as well as application techniques – to treat soft tissue presentations that massage therapists see every day on their massage tables.
Continue reading »In general, massage therapy helps reduce stress. Discover why these four massage techniques are especially useful for invoking relaxation.
Continue reading »Burnout is the state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion caused by our inability to continue to cope with our environment as a result of the ongoing demands of our lives. Strong boundaries – along with personal and professional goal setting – go a long way toward balancing our lives.
Continue reading »While not for the squeamish, discover which live creatures are utilized in signature massage treatments around the world.
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