Skin Care and Massage Therapy
Massage therapy can be a tool for helping educate clients with regard to things like signs of skin cancer or other skin anomalies that may affect or reflect their overall health.
Continue reading »The latest news, articles and information related to massage therapy and techniques.
Massage therapy can be a tool for helping educate clients with regard to things like signs of skin cancer or other skin anomalies that may affect or reflect their overall health.
Continue reading »Approximately 30.3 million people in the United States have diabetes with 84.1 million adults having prediabetes – a whopping 33.9% of the US adult population! If left untreated it can be fatal. It is the seventh highest cause of death in the United States. The World Health Organization estimates that there are 422 million individuals with diabetes worldwide. Learn some important facts about diabetes and if massage might be helpful.
Continue reading »Every November 11th we observe Veterans Day. It is the day we put aside to honor those men and women who have chosen to serve the country by joining the military. Though the veteran population is small, these people make a big impact on our society. Many return to civilian life with physical wounds and ailments, as well as emotional scars, such as post traumatic stress. Massage therapists and other bodyworkers can join together with a healthcare team to bring veterans into the present, help them reconnect mind and body – and work towards a healthier future.
Continue reading »In the U.S. One in every four women will experience some form of domestic violence in her life. When calculated to yearly figures, the numbers show that approximately every 24 seconds a partner will have been abused. That means, by the time you finish reading this article, it is more than likely that 13 women and 2 men will have endured violence at the hand of an intimate partner. Learn the facts about domestic violence and how massage therapy may help.
Continue reading »“It is important for massage therapists to have some basic knowledge about the psychological connection to bodywork in order to know how to deal effectively with an unexpected emotional crisis. Sometimes a referral to a support program or psychologist is in order but, sometimes, a simple hug is all it takes.”
Continue reading »They can glide with ease across a dance floor or perform amazing acrobatics. With years of practice behind them, endless hours of exercise and rehearsals, dancers make the difficult seem easy. Just like professional athletes, all that hard work also means having to keep in tiptop shape. Additionally, it means injuries are part of the job. Learn how dancers can maintain and even prolong their professional careers through the use of massage therapy.
Continue reading »Aside from strong hands, the most important tool a massage therapist can have is the right massage lubricant. There are so many choices. Should it be oil, lotion or cream? Should it have good glide or more drag? What ingredients should it have? Learn which ingredients to look for and how they can be of benefit to both you and your clients.
Continue reading »Affecting 8.5 million Americans, peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a vascular disease most healthcare professionals are likely to encounter. A circulation disorder where narrowed arteries reduce blood flow to the limbs, PAD typically affects the lower limbs causing leg pain when walking. Find out the signs and symptoms, risk factors, suggested lifestyle modifications, as well as how massage therapy can significantly reduce a sufferer’s symptoms.
Continue reading »“As the room was dimly lit for relaxation, I did not notice anything unusual on her legs and took what appeared to be a slight discoloration as a birthmark. It was only towards the end of the massage when I worked on the front of her legs that I felt something very hard and ropey under the skin with an octopus-like impression. You could feel tentacle-like extensions, radiating out from a single lump, with slight spider veins and discoloration. Having worked on thousands of people, I had never ever felt anything like it before.”
Continue reading »A requisite for embarking on the career path of massage therapy is the innate desire to help people. While compassion is necessary to be a bodyworker, there is an important distinction between healthful and unhealthful compassion.
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