August is National Eye Exam Month. From the time we open them in the morning, until the time we close them at night, our eyes are always on call. Our feet get a break when we sit, our hands work intermittently throughout the day but, aside from our ears which never seem to get a break, our eyes are just about the busiest part of our body. Learn how massage can reduce the symptoms experienced with eye fatigue and how bodywork can help keep them healthy.
Unless a thorough intake is done with a new client and a periodic review done with long term clients, those with underlying medical conditions may slip through the cracks. Just asking, “How are you doing today?” and getting an “Okay, great,” from the client is not enough.
Riding a bicycle, playing the piano, handwriting, dancing, typing on a keyboard, learning to speak a language – even learning how to give a good massage – all these things, and more, are thanks to muscle memory. Other things that can be included are life events causing not only physical, but also emotional trauma. Everything we do and everything that happens to us and around us affects the nervous system, including the brain and the muscles enervated by each experience. Learn how massage therapy can help to release and even assist in healing the imbalance caused by trauma to the body and mind.
When a healthy diet and exercise do not successfully relieve constipation for your clients, learn which massage techniques you can use to help relax their abdomen, reduce their discomfort, and encourage regular defecation.
Water is the most important element, next to oxygen, needed to sustain life as we know it. The human body is more than 60 percent water. Blood is between 80 and 90 percent water, the human brain is 70 percent water and our lungs are close to 90 percent water. Human blood is also remarkably like sea water with a similar pH range and a similar mineral content, so much so that at one time sea water has been used in emergency transfusions when blood or plasma was not available. Learn about how hydrotherapies (therapies using water externally) can also be of value in keeping a person healthy.
The purposeful application of human touch alone may lessen the psychological distress of alopecia areata. Discover how bodyworkers with training in aromatherapy can turn a massage for alopecia areata into an especially therapeutic session.
July is National Blueberry Month. For some people going out to pick ripe blueberries with the family in an open field is almost a rite of passage. Eating and gathering those plump, sweet morsels will put a smile on anyone’s face. But did you know that blueberries also have some important therapeutic value? Learn how blueberries are good to eat – but keep you healthy as well.
As massage therapists trying to make a living at a profession we love, it is often challenging to continually try and entice new clients to our practice. There are the tried and true methods of handing out business cards wherever we go, attractive brochures and free chair massage at community events. But with the increased awareness surrounding social media and wed-based services, many more tools are becoming available. Learn how an Internet presence can help clients find you and increase your business.
Even though a majority of massage therapists are not yet familiar with CAQH, those who are a part of this nationwide credentialing system have an advantage for the future.
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