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Massage Professionals Update

The latest news, articles and information related to massage therapy and techniques.

Beyond PTSD – Helping to Heal the Trauma of Combat Through Massage Therapy

Beyond PTSD – Helping to Heal the Trauma of Combat Through Massage Therapy

At the end of 2012, tens of thousands of war veterans came back home. They returned to all the mundane aspects of life they left behind when they were called to deploy to combat zones in the Middle East. For many it is a difficult transition and they are not the same person they were when life was more predictable. Learn how massage and other complementary therapies can help ease the stress, trauma and physical injuries so often affecting our war veterans.

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Alcohol and Massage: A Dangerous Combination

Alcohol and Massage: A Dangerous Combination

Is it okay to offer clients wine or champagne before a massage to help them relax? To some it may seem a good marketing ploy…but it could lead to some unpleasant circumstances. Learn about why serving alcohol to clients is a BAD idea.

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Marketing Couple's Massage

Marketing Couple’s Massage

Whether the occasion is a holiday like Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, a special anniversary or someone’s birthday, one way to celebrate the occasion is with a couple’s massage. It is an offering that can help introduce a reluctant first-timer to massage or reinforce the bonding of two people through a shared experience. Learn how introducing and promoting couple’s massage can enhance your practice.

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Real Life Stories: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

“This was a challenging situation that required me to look beyond the money, the hour-long sessions, and the superficial things held in the body. I often wonder where this young man is today and if he and his counselors are more aware of alternative modalities for PTSD type scenarios.”

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The Pregnant Massage Therapist

As a massage therapist you may occasionally work with pregnant clients, or they may be your main clientele. You know how to give them a prenatal massage and can give them advice and direction in conjunction with other healthcare providers. But when it comes to your own pregnancy – do you know what precautions to take in your practice?

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