Massage therapists and their clients are familiar with the word “stress” as it relates to the modern lifestyle. But did you know that as a mind-body term, it did not exist until the 1930s? Read about how stress and the use of massage therapy to relieve it have grown together for more than 75 years.
Our feet are what connect us to the earth on which we stand. They give us a sense of stability and provide us with mobility, helping to propel us forward and backward in space. Being able to walk is a major sign of growing as an individual. Once children begin to walk they no longer need to be carried by a parent and can begin to explore the world around them on their own. Getting a regular foot massage can help in maintaining good health and give attention to an often neglected part of the body.
As the overall average age of human population increases and the baby boomers (those born between 1946-1964) reach their 60s, so too do the injuries and disabilities increase, necessitating the use of crutches, canes and walkers. Learning how to use them properly can help go a long way in reducing the associated muscle aches and pains.
Without properly functioning muscles the human body would be unable to move. Muscles help to propel us through space, pump our blood, expand and contract our lungs and move nutrients through our body. One aspect of our skeletal muscles is responsible for athletic stamina. Learn about fast and slow twitch muscles, how they can determine whether you would be a better sprinter or marathoner – and the role of massage therapy.
Despite the popular practice of separating Western medicine from all other types of healing, arthroscopic knee surgery and massage therapy are ideal partners.
One out of every 10 American women has polycystic ovary syndrome. If all massage therapists knew how to recognize a potential case, what to suggest to affected clients and which modality to include in a session, the massage profession could make a big impact on this common condition.
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