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Massage Professionals Update

The latest news, articles and information related to massage therapy and techniques.

Essential Oils Assist in Reducing Sciatica

While the term sciatica is still used occasionally by the general public to describe leg pain that radiates down from the hip, it is not a term used as much in modern day health care, because the many possible causes of this annoying and sometimes debilitating pain are attributed to several origins other than sciatic nerve impingement. Learn how the use of essential oils can help to ease the discomfort of this age-old complaint.

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Migraines With Aura Show Increased Health Risk

A recently completed study has shown that people who suffer from migraines with aura are at a greater risk of dying from cardiovascular disease or stroke than those who have non-migraine headaches, or migraines without the associated aura occurrence. Research has also shown that massage therapy and various massage techniques can help reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines.

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Companion Animals Benefit from Massage Therapy

In their natural habitats, animals receive a lot of nurturing touch when they are first born and throughout their infancy. The mothers lick and nudge their young. In contrast, many domesticated animals are often left at home during the day and get inadequate exercise and little interaction with other living beings. Regular massage therapy can help your pet maintain good health and create a stronger bond with the owner. Learn how massage can benefit your companion animal.

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Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Massage Therapy

Chronic pain is a complaint massage therapists hear from many clients. The causes vary from pain as a result of injury or accident to post-surgery pain. There may be times that the actual cause is unknown or elusive. Learn more about complex regional pain syndrome, a chronic and often debilitating form of pain that may be helped by the use of massage therapy.

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The Impact of Color and Your Massage Office

Color surrounds us every day of our lives. It can be stimulating or calming. In most massage sessions, the client’s eyes are closed, so it may seem that the colors used in a massage office are less important than in other settings. However, the colors used in your office convey an important message. Learn how to use color to set the tone and help clients get the most out of their massage.

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Two Proven Approaches to Help Osteoarthritic Knees

Staying up-to-date on research involving your client’s condition is a great way to gain trust and make sure you are delivering the best treatment and advice possible. Because osteoarthritis of the knee is so prevalent, massage therapists should know about the two alternative approaches proven to help this kind of arthritis.

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10 Tips for Avoiding Injury With Onsite Massage

Portable massage tables have been around since 1910 – though back then portable did not necessarily mean light in weight – and massage chairs were invented in 1986. But doing onsite massage therapy on a regular basis is still relatively new and, in order to avoid injury, requires an increased awareness to one’s surroundings.

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