Massage therapists are typically called upon to help people manage chronic pain, yet getting all of the relevant information from clients can be challenging. While some clients successfully record the daily changes important to chronic pain treatment on their own, a new Internet tool makes it simple and fosters communication between the client and massage professional.
An estimated 42 percent of Americans process calcium deposits. These bumps can be found in many different areas of the body and range from barely noticeable to painfully obtrusive. Although their diagnosis is beyond the scope of practice for massage therapists, professional bodyworkers can learn how best to handle clients with calcium deposits.
Massage therapy requires prolonged, close contact with people. This can be particularly challenging when clients have body odor. Certain body odors are normal and can easily be addressed, while others may be cause for a physician’s referral. In this helpful article you’ll learn how to minimize unpleasant smells and find out when the situation might require medical attention.
Symptoms of depression vary from person to person. When feeling down begins to interfere with daily life, clinical depression may be lurking. Learn more about this serious condition, as well as the therapeutic role massage therapy can play in easing its symptoms.
The primary means used by massage therapy organizations to ensure the integrity and competence of its professional advancement is through continuing education. Learn about the terminology most commonly used by licensing organizations and boards governing the field of massage therapy and continuing education.
As one of the more common chronic pain syndromes, massage therapists are likely to encounter and counsel clients with fibromyalgia. Find out more about the value exercise has for those with this debilitating condition as well as information you can share with clients who have turned to you for treatment.
A neurological disorder affecting normal brain function, autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life. The safe and nurturing touch of therapeutic massage is being used more and more frequently as an accepted and innovative complementary treatment for children and adults with autism. Learn how you can help in treating this challenging disorder.
The formation of scar tissue is the body’s natural response to injury. Learn about the long-term effects of scarring, plus the role massage therapy plays in improving a client’s recovery from a wound.
A part of the normal aging process in women, menopause comes with many physical and emotional symptoms. While much of massage therapy’s benefits lie in a nurturing touch, discover how the appropriate application of certain bodywork methods can therapeutically ease the challenges of this monumental life change.
Approximately 30 percent of those diagnosed with epilepsy cannot control the disorder through medication. Learn to identify this disorder’s symptoms and discover which types of bodywork have been shown to provide the greatest benefit to epileptic clients.
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