Introduction to Infant Massage

(284 reviews)

3 CE Hours

Course Options:

  • Text Materials Shipped and Test Online
  • Materials and Test Shipped to You


Studies have shown that the immediate benefits of infant massage include not only the promotion of sounder, longer sleeping patterns, but also a baby with a more comforted and soothed disposition. This continuing education course presents the research-backed benefits of massage for newborns, a description of more than 50 common infant health disorders, an aromatherapy guide for infants and toddlers, internet links for further study and support, and a bonus section with step-by-step illustrations of how to conduct an infant massage routine.

In this program, you will discover:

  • the benefits of infant massage as it applies to overall homeostasis and to each body system
  • potential hospital cost savings for providing massage to premature babies
  • prevalent newborn health conditions, diseases and disorders and how they affect each body system
  • the most current research, categorized by body system as it relates to massage for well, premature and special needs babies
  • how to introduce a baby to touch
  • infant massage routines for the hands and arms, chest and abdomen, face and back

Bonus: with each ailment an internet link is provided, giving you an opportunity for further research as well as support.

Course Reviews

Julia Whitcomb, LMBT

Great facts and resources. I learned valuable information and I cannot wait to communicate it with my clients and use this new information to help infants, children and their families!

Christy Christensen, LMT

I think this class is excellent. I believe every Mother should read this. Babies thrive on being close to someone and I feel that sometimes as health care practitioners it is our job to help Parents be more comfortable at giving love to their babies. It a lot of times has to be a learned skill. Thank you for this information.

Komal Singh Mehls

Thank you, A simple and easy method of studying some interesting topics.

Kayelee Rose, LMT

Once inside the course, it wasn't very clear about the materials for the course being a book. If someone didn't remember that from when they bought the course, they would have a hard time figuring out what to study. Including the name of the book in the materials section would be helpful.

Melissa Kiervin

I have a NICU baby and I really wanted to find ways to treat her to massage! I can use this in my practice and feel confident with the information I've learned

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  • Text - 125 pages
  • Multiple-choice test
  • Certificate upon completion

Display Certificates suitable for framing are available for $10 in addition to the certificate included with your tuition. Click here to order a Display Certificate.


The Institute is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. Approved Provider 049478-00.

Credits also accepted by the AMTA, ABMP as well as most state boards.

For information regarding your specific state massage license requirements and approvals, visit our Massage Therapy Continuing Education Requirements page by clicking here.

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