Infant and Child Massage

(206 reviews)

6 CE Hours

Course Options:

  • Text Materials Shipped and Test Online
  • Materials and Test Shipped to You


For generations mothers the world over have known that the soft stroke of their hands soothes, calms and communicates their love to their babies. Now scientific research proves that massage can do all that and more. The course text, written by the founder of the International Association of Infant Massage, helps you master the techniques of infant massage so you can incorporate this joyful and wonderful healing art into your practice. Each step of the massage process is explained with simple easy-to-follow instructions and delightful photographs demonstrating each stroke.

In this course you'll also find:

  • important infant massage concepts
  • why massage is important to infant development and well-being
  • necessary steps for preparing to massage an infant
  • ways to help babies relax
  • benefits of massage for children: easing discomfort, releasing tension, helping premature infants gain weight, helping asthmatic children improve breathing function
  • specific routines tailored to help relieve colic, fever, chest and nasal congestion
  • modified instructions for premature infants and babies with special needs
  • helpful hints on dealing with crying and fussing

Course Reviews

Michelle Atfield

I really enjoyed this course! It was very informative and interesting. I have a baby of my own on the way, so I'll be putting the information I just learned to good use very soon! Can't wait to help other parents too! I also love the option of online courses, it has helped me tremendously! I will be coming back for more courses in the future. Thank you!

Kathryn Nuzum, BCTMB

This course was so interesting and well written I was almost obsessed by the desire to try it out on anyone's baby. I sure wish I'd known about this when both of my grown children were born - both premature. There was such a wealth of great information, suggestions and techniques in this course.

Jen Morris, LMT

Even though the study material was over 200 pages I easily finished reading the book in an hour. Super easy and very interesting read!!! I can not wait to get started with Infant Massage!

Laura LaFazia, LMT

I enjoyed the personalized approach to expressing the necessity of massage worldwide, in every home, beginning with the infants. I liked that everyone can be involved. I learned a beautiful new theory that respect for one's self, respect for his/her personal space, can be TAUGHT and structured as an infant by the guardian/parent. I appreciated the holistic techniques to help relieve colic, especially, but also the option to help a baby feel better when experiencing congestion, fever and gas pains.

Yumiko Kiuchi

I found this course was really interesting as I became an expecting mother while I was working on this material. I can talk more about infant massage to my future expecting mother clients. I liked how I can prepare for this online test. Working on paper test and taking actual online test was very helpful. Thank you!

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  • Text - 303 pages
  • Multiple-choice test
  • Certificate upon completion

Display Certificates suitable for framing are available for $10 in addition to the certificate included with your tuition. Click here to order a Display Certificate.


The Institute is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. Approved Provider 049478-00.

Credits also accepted by the AMTA, ABMP as well as most state boards.

For information regarding your specific state massage license requirements and approvals, visit our Massage Therapy Continuing Education Requirements page by clicking here.

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