Ethics: Therapeutic Relationships

(3125 reviews)

3 CE Hours

Course Options:

  • Fully Online Materials and Test
  • Materials and Test Shipped to You


This ethics program will provide you with a structure for ethical decision-making that will serve your clients, yourself, your profession and your community. State licensing boards and professional associations set forth professional codes of ethics to define standards of professional conduct that ensure the highest good for the client in our therapeutic relationships. The first step in practicing ethically is to become aware of these established regulations and to implement them within your professional practice.

Ethics within the health care profession is concerned with the establishment and maintenance of moral relationships between those individuals coming in for treatment, on the one hand, and the professional therapists rendering treatment, on the other. Together our personal and professional codes of ethics form the basis for our standards of ethical decision-making and resulting conduct.

In this course you will:

  • understand the role that a professional code of ethics and standards of practice play in the practice of massage therapy
  • explore ethical boundaries of therapeutic relationships with clients, colleagues and the community
  • determine the steps involved in developing a treatment plan and obtaining informed consent
  • determine how to ensure confidentiality of your client
  • define the scope of practice within the ethical boundaries for a massage professional
  • identify potential ethical violations within therapeutic relationships
  • develop a criteria to determine ethical action.

Course Reviews

A. Kurtz, LMT, NCTMB

I have taken several ethics courses through the years with top presenters in the field. This course was the MOST educational, concise, helpful, thought-provoking class I have ever had in ethics. Total THUMBS UP! I think it should be used in every massage school curriculum.

Marilyn Dixon, LMT

Excellent presentation. The content was well spaced on the page which made reading easier for me. The content was, on the whole, not new to me; i.e. a review, which account for the short completion time. Clear and concise.

Traci Jennings, LMT

I enjoyed this information. I found it very useful, as well as interesting. A lot of ethics courses I have taken and/or viewed in the past did not hold very much interest. They were not very exiting to study. I thoroughly enjoyed the style of this ethics course.

Susan Sanderson, LMT

I was impressed that this course successfully covered so much: an intro to philosophical thought, & an intro to psychological thought, as well as a spelled-out pragmatic guide. Brava!

Margaret Christy, LMT

The materials are to the point and clearly written. New details in the course were excellent for raising massage to the level/standard of a healing practice rather than previous attitudes of simply a spa / relaxation experience. I'm thankful for the professional approach and suggestions contained within this course.

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  • Manual - 38 pages
  • Multiple-choice test
  • Certificate upon completion

Display Certificates suitable for framing are available for $10 in addition to the certificate included with your tuition. Click here to order a Display Certificate.


The Institute is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. Approved Provider 049478-00.

Credits also accepted by the AMTA, ABMP as well as most state boards.

For information regarding your specific state massage license requirements and approvals, visit our Massage Therapy Continuing Education Requirements page by clicking here.

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