Diversity: Cultural Competence

(3403 reviews)

1 CE Hours

Course Options:

  • Fully Online Materials and Test
  • Materials and Test Shipped to You


Massage therapists are increasingly working in various medical settings - physician's offices, long term care facilities, hospitals - and the population of the United States continues to become more ethnically diverse. As a result, it is important that as health care providers working as part of a multi-disciplinary team we become more familiar with the cultural differences of our clients to become more sensitive to their perspective so that we may provide the best care. Additionally, it is important that we impart sensitivity to other cultures, and to our support staff, so that each person we are in contact with is treated with consideration.

Through this course you will:

  • define important concepts including race, ethnicity, culture, health literacy and health disparities.
  • review the National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) in Health and Health Care.
  • determine what cultural competence means, how one becomes culturally competent, and distinguish between cultural sensitivity and cultural competence.
  • differentiate between stereotypes and generalizations.
  • review how culture and socioeconomic status affect quality of health care.
  • discover strategies for establishing a more culturally sensitive environment.
  • learn differences in cultural behavior.
  • examine ways to avoid pitfalls when working with various clients from diverse cultures.

Course Reviews

Barbara Thaler, LMT, NCTMB

This course raised my awareness of cultural differences that affect quality of health care in a massage practice. There were several specific examples given that I will remember for the future. Living in such a diverse area as metropolitan DC, this course was essential.

Karin E. Kimbrough, LMT

Good course, most I knew as I work with many cultures, but I learned new info. It also reaffirmed that I am culturally sensitive and am doing all recommended suggestions/actions already.

Krystle-Dawn Covington, LMT

With this being a new requirement this year, I loved the simplicity of this course! Great information and tools to use when dealing with language barriers and cultural differences :)

Leslie Knee, LMT, NCTMB, ABMP

This diversity course was useful and respectful without being condesending to the client or the practitioner's point of view.

L. Calzarette, LMT

I found the material to be clear and easy to understand. I liked the "boxes" with additional information about different cultures. This course brought up some interesting points for me to be aware of and to examine in myself.

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  • Manual - 24 pages
  • Multiple-choice test
  • Certificate upon completion

Display Certificates suitable for framing are available for $10 in addition to the certificate included with your tuition. Click here to order a Display Certificate.


The Institute is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. Approved Provider 049478-00.

Credits also accepted by the AMTA, ABMP as well as most state boards.

For information regarding your specific state massage license requirements and approvals, visit our Massage Therapy Continuing Education Requirements page by clicking here.

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