How do codes, laws, rules and regulations affect your practice of massage and bodywork? In this course, you are presented with a detailed view of the laws and rules of the Florida Board of Massage Therapy and how they apply to the massage therapy business. The course covers chapters 480, 456 and Rule Chapter 64B7 required per the continuing education rules as presented by the Florida Board of Massage Therapy.
(NOTE: This course is required for Florida Massage licensure renewal.)
Jackie Voulgaris, LMT
I love taking these courses online. It's convenient, I study the material on my own time, it's informative and I appreciate that it is made available. Thanks for a very positive experience that is very relevant and high quality.
Janet Drury, LMT, NCTMB
The Laws continue to change every is a good 'requirement' course keep us sharp in the field. There is a lot of information here, I have to read it very slowly to ingest it all. Our field of massage therapy has grown immensely over the last twenty years.
Deborah Schick, BS, LMT, NCTMB
Even though I am not practicing in FL, it is very insightful taking this class. It is an extension of ethics, and could very well be used to fulfill that requirement for the Nationals.
Glenda McFall, LMT
This answered several of my questions that I had. Like I didn't understand: If I just received my license last year and it is to be renewed every 2 yrs. Why do I have to renew it this year?
Keith Bernabei
Informative and easy to follow. Just what I was looking for
Display Certificates suitable for framing are available for $10 in addition to the certificate included with your tuition. Click here to order a Display Certificate.
The Institute is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. Approved Provider 049478-00.
Credits also accepted by the AMTA, ABMP as well as most state boards.
For information regarding your specific state massage license requirements and approvals, visit our Massage Therapy Continuing Education Requirements page by clicking here.