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Delta Wave Massage


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4 CE Hours - E650
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157 customer reviews
Delta Wave Massage

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  • Manual - 166 pages
  • Online Videos - 1.75 hours
  • Multiple-choice test
  • Certificate upon completion


What if...

  • In addition to the wonderful benefits from the usual relaxing massage, you could create a massage that incorporates a whole new approach to touch?
  • A massage that literally communicates trust and relaxation without triggering the client's automatic defense system, in an environment that eliminates distractions?
  • A massage that is centered upon reaching and maintaining the Delta state of relaxation, so crucial to every aspect of healing?

As you can imagine, the therapeutic benefits would be profound.

The Delta Wave Massage,™ created by Brad Drummer, LMT, and based upon his theories on Delta Wave relaxation, IS that massage.

Delta Wave Massage is designed to bring the body and mind into a delta relaxation state, which is the state in which nearly all physical, emotional, and nervous system healing takes place. The results of this new form of massage therapy has garnered the attention of the medical community, sparking interest in research studies to learn more about its healing potential.

Through this video and text-based course, you will:

  • Explain the history behind Delta Wave Massage and why this methodology is important
  • Utilize the Delta Wave philosophy, also understanding the healing aspects it provides
  • Define specific terms and concepts important to Delta Wave success (subconscious, elementals, defensive reflex, sequencing to enhance)
  • Approach and interact with clients through massage via universal physical components
  • Compare pain/fear vs. pleasure/trust approaches, understanding how each impacts the client
  • Observe and perform Delta Wave Massage strokes using proper body mechanics and structure your own Delta Wave Massage therapy session

There is much evidence regarding the effectiveness of massage as a stress reducer and sleep aid. Any relaxing massage can slow down the mind’s activity by easing tension and fear – but only the Delta massage makes deactivating a person’s defensive system central to the session. The potential for dramatically improving every aspect of a person’s well-being should make achieving Delta through massage an aspect of every massage no matter what the modality. What is more – it should be a key component of every patient’s recovery plan.

Course Objectives

  • Explain the history behind the Delta Wave Massage and its importance in understanding the Delta Wave philosophy of massage
  • Define subconscious costumes - understanding the subconscious tension that is layered into our muscles
  • Explore the universal physical components will allow you to interpret how to approach and interact with clients through massage
  • Develop the importance of listening, and how massage/touch can be the most powerful and precise form of communicating with a person
  • Examine the interconnection of the emotional, physical, and mental states of being
  • Define defensive reflex - how and why this primal reaction is a key aspect of unconscious muscle firing
  • Compare the approach that pain and fear vs. pleasure and have on a client's experience and overall therapeutic benefits received from the massage
  • Define the Delta Wave state, its healing aspects and various methods used to achieve Delta Wave activity
  • Observe and perform strokes utilizing the interconnection of fascia, the importance of connecting strokes and the role of intention in the massage outcome utilizing the Delta Wave massage strokes using proper body mechanics to create a foundation in building your own Delta Wave massage.

Course Reviews

Sandra Tremor, LMT, BCTMB


Karen Keigwin, LMT


Brenda Vaughn, LMT


Julie Lynch, LMT


Linda Mykoff, LMT, BCTMB


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Brad Drummer, LMT

Brad Drummer, LMT

As one of the country’s most highly rated and reviewed massage therapists, Brad has massaged queens and ambassadors, as well as Hall of Fame entertainers and athletes (Brad is a consultant for the NFL Players Association on Health and Wellness care).

He has created a new massage form that has revolutionized the approach to deep tissue which the founder of the Aspen Back Institute has endorsed as "...the future of Therapeutic Massage..." - Delta Wave Massage.

Brad has traveled the world as a massage consultant and CE Approved Provider instructor in his new form of massage therapy, working with spas and Physical Therapy offices. He has helped develop and launch several spas as part of this consultation, and has recently been approached by a hospital in DC regarding researching the applications of his Delta Wave Massage technique with regards to injury recovery and pain management.

Brad has been licensed to perform massage in the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, New York, and Virginia, has worked as the Program Director for a massage college, is certified in First Aid & CPR, and is an NCBTMB certified Continuing Education provider.

Mr. Drummer is the creator and instructor of Delta Wave Massage, Pulse Wave Massage, and Interpretive Touch Massage.

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