Learn all three routines and begin creating your own Integrative Approach to therapy.
Use this massage routine to help ground your clients into a body that is free from fascial restrictions created from physical and mental tension. The Earth Massage routine presented in the video integrates massage techniques from Deep Tissue Therapy, Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial Release and Swedish Massage. Using the side posture primarily, the Earth Massage routine employs deep, compressive techniques that soften adhesions and muscle fibrosis, reducing the activity of myofascial trigger points, increasing the mobility of connective tissue and joints, and improving posture.
CE Hours: 13
This massage is most beneficial for anyone who has limited vitality due to excessive stress. The Fire Massage routine presented in the video integrates massage techniques from Sports Massage, Active Resistance Stretching, Neurolymphatic Reflex Massage, Breath Work, Deep Tissue Therapy and Swedish Massage. The Fire Massage is a revitalizing and rejuvenating massage designed to loosen blocks, relieve stress and energize the body.
CE Hours: 15
The Spirit Massage routine presented in the video integrates massage techniques from Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage, Myofascial Release, Guided Imagery, Energy Balancing and Swedish Massage. The Spirit Massage is designed to quiet the mind and to get the receiver in touch with their own inner healing rhythms. Gentle, energy-based techniques, coupled with guided imagery, induce a meditative state where excessive mental 'noise' is quieted and a sense of inner balance and harmony is attained.
CE Hours: 14
Keep in mind you don't have to complete all three courses at once. Enroll in the collection for additional savings, but complete the courses individually.
Shayla Newman, LMT, BCTMB
Kimberly Rasmussen, LMT
Rebekah Meier, LMT, BCTMB
Donna Lynn Larkin, LMT, LMT
Julie Lynch, LMT
Sean Riehl has been a bodyworker since 1998 when he completed his training program through the Body Therapy Institute in California and subsequently served as an instructor there. Certified in Lymphatic Drainage, Visceral Manipulation, Neuromuscular Therapy, Muscle Energy Techniques, Myofascial Release and Shiatsu, Mr. Riehl established Real Bodywork in 2000 producing high-quality, professional, instructional massage and yoga videos. With over 40 video titles, Real Bodywork is the preeminent producer of videos in the massage training industry.
Mr. Riehl is author, co-creator and instructor on various Institute courses including Neuromuscular Therapy & Advanced Deep Tissue, Lymphatic Drainage Massage, Myofascial Release, Advanced Anatomy & Pathology, Clinical Massage Therapy, Integrative Massage: Earth, Fire and Spirit, Nerve Mobilization and more.
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