In this home study course, you will learn the art and practice of a specific style of clinical Shiatsu called Shiatsu Anma. Based on both the theory of acupressure energetics originating from Chinese medicine and massage techniques of Japanese origin, Shiatsu Anma Therapy addresses illnesses and painful conditions in the body stemming from blockages in the flow of energy, or chi, within the acupuncture meridian (channel) system.
You will learn how to assess the body's energy channel system with regard to deficiency and excessive states and apply appropriate techniques that restore the balance of chi within the body. As the flow of chi is re-established in the channel system, pain is relieved and the healing process of the body begins.
The manual that accompanies the DVD presentation in this instructional program contains pertinent information with regard to the theory, application, and specific treatment techniques and sequences for several painful conditions. A review of Yin/Yang theory and Meridians is included both in the video and the manual to help familiarize you with the fundamentals of this practice. A laminated Acupuncture Chart that depicts the meridians as well as specific points on the channels is included as a useful reference when working with the various channels and points.
Sonja Grozdanic
Very interesting material and easy to read, with lots of depth of information nicely explained, love it and would recommend to anyone.
Katherine Lindemann, LMT, BCTMB
Amy Kuettner, LMT
Marcia H. Ferry
Fabulous class. I will be studying, practicing, using and perfecting this information for many years to come.
John Hickey is a licensed acupuncturist and one of the founders of the Santa Barbara College of Oriental Medicine. John has been teaching and practicing Shiatsu and Oriental Medicine for over 20 years. He practices and teaches Shiatsu in Carpinteria, California.
John is the instructor of Shiatsu Anma Therapy.
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