Usually thought of mainly for pregnancy massage, side lying techniques can also be used for any clients who may be unable to lie comfortably in prone or supine positioning. Individuals with recent surgeries, obese clients or simply for easier access to certain areas of the body are all potential recipients of side lying massage techniques. It can easily be integrated into traditional massage techniques and often provides the best access to shoulder, neck, low back and hip areas as well as allowing for more effective stretches in those areas.
Using the instructional set of DVDs and accompanying text you will:
Presented by Dr. James Mally, massage therapist and instructor since 1979, you will be able to enhance your practice by being able to work with clients in a more three-dimensional way.
Theresa L. Baxter
It's a helpful course
Anastasia Konn, LMT
Tomoko Arias, LMT
Tina Leger, LMT
Michael Schuver, LMT
Dr. James R. Mally graduated from massage school in 1976 with over 1,000 hours of training, later attending Bastyr College of Naturopathic Medicine earning a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine degree in 1984. As the founder of the Healing Arts Institute, a massage therapy school in California, Dr. Mally is an administrator and teacher of anatomy and physiology, massage, business, ethics, deep tissue massage, sports massage and other courses. Dr. Mally has had over 30 years of teaching experience in the massage and healthcare field.
Dr. Mally is author and instructor for the Institute's Deep Tissue Massage, Sports Massage, Swedish Massage for Professionals and Side Lying Massage courses.
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