This dynamic stone massage home study program will help you gain new skills at your convenience. You will learn a complete, basic hot stone massage, a cool moonstone facial massage and six advanced restorative protocols covering a variety of dysfunctions. You will also discover various types of stones, textures and shapes; acquire evaluation skills so you can determine placement of stones; study how to trace each meridian to balance the body; and practice along with video demonstrations.
You will also:
The video presentations, by instructor Carollanne Crichton, will demonstrate stone massage techniques and give a variety of close-up views detailing the work. The course manual gives specific explanations of the theory behind and techniques used to perform stone massage.
Prior to purchasing massage stones, the course manual will describe what to look for when selecting stones for stone massage either from stone suppliers or in nature.
Elise Lizotte, LMT
Amanda Carbaugh, LMT, BCTMB
Emily Gifford
This course was very informative and interesting. The way she explained everything was very helpful and easy to understand! I learned so much!
Cindy Barnet, LMT
Danielle Sells, LMT
Carollanne Crichton has been practicing stone massage for over 20 years. She has pioneered stone massage when it was just becoming popular. She taught stone massage around the country, helping to popularize the modality as it became popular in spas. She loves to incorporate stone massage into other modalities like sports massage, meridian therapy, and side posture. She is a skilled Ayurvdic practitioner, Yoga instructor and massage therapist with a great love for healing.
Carollanne is the instructor of our Stone Massage 16 CE hour course.
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