For centuries, a select group of alternative healthcare practitioners have known that colors can dramatically affect health, inner harmony and emotions. Although those trained within the conventional medical model may doubt the efficacy of color therapy, or chromotherapy, a surprising number of success stories have surfaced touting the ability of color to impact human health. As the science behind chromotherapy is uncovered, it is easy to recognize it’s parallel with polarity therapy. Since polarity therapy and chromotherapy are both deeply routed in the basic laws of vibrational physics, these two modalities make a logical union.
Based on the premise that different bands of the light spectrum produce different effects in the human body, chromotherapy is known as a vibrational healing modality. When color and light strike an individual, they influence that same vibration present in the body.
The set of frequencies related to musical notes demonstrates how the vibration of color can influence the human body. If two properly tuned guitars are in the same room and the G string is plucked on one guitar, the G string on the second guitar will also ring. This phenomenon occurs because the sound frequency of the G note travels across the room causing the resonant frequency of the G string on the second guitar to sound. Likewise, the body’s organs have their own resonant frequencies associated with each chakra and meridian. Well known to physicists, the electrically charged molecules composing living tissue is always vibrating. Thus, chromotherapy practitioners can tune their clients for optimal wellness by exposing chakras and meridians to the color needed.
Some of the properties of color that render it a potential healing tool include:
- A property of light, color is electromagnetic energy.
- Different colors of light have different wavelengths.
- The shorter the wavelength, like violet, the faster it vibrates; the longer the wavelength, like red, the slower it vibrates.
Creating resonance between the body’s vibrating electromagnetic particles and the desired color’s vibration helps chromotherapy recipients achieve a more healthful state.
Chromotherapy in Practice
Applying the principles of chromotherapy, a therapist can utilize light and color in various forms. Some of its more common applications include projecting colored light onto certain areas of the body, suggesting colored visualizations and incorporating various colored materials into a session. Each basic color used in chromotherapy is associated with a different chakra and relates to different physical and emotional issues:
- Red – Red stimulates brain wave activity, increases heart rate, respiration and blood pressure and excites the sexual glands. It energizes the first chakra located at the coccyx. Warming and energizing, red is appropriate for someone who is tired, cold and has poor circulation.
- Orange – The color of joy and wisdom, orange energizes the second chakra located at the sacrum. Regarded to stimulate the appetite, orange is beneficial for illnesses of the colon and digestion.
- Yellow – Related to the solar plexus chakra, yellow energizes, lifts the mood, improves memory and can improve digestion.
- Green – Affecting the heart chakra, green is calming to the central nervous system. A good color for cardiac conditions, high blood pressure and ulcers, green also benefits those suffering from depression and anxiety.
- Blue – The color of the throat chakra, blue is a good color choice to influence respiratory or throat difficulties. Calming and cooling, blue may help counteract hypertension.
- Indigo – Related to the brow chakra, indigo can improve problems with the sinuses and face. It has also been used to help heal burns and reduce pain.
- Violet – Associated with the crown chakra, violet is cleansing, strengthening and peaceful. Affecting the skeletal system, it is often used therapeutically to improve immunity, arthritis and relieve headaches.
Polarity Therapy
Polarity therapy is a natural health care system that is also based on the human energy field. Relying on the constant motion of molecules, polarity therapy is aimed at balancing the constant pulsation of energy between positive and negative poles. These poles create fields and energetic lines of force throughout the body. Dr. Randolph Stone, the founder of polarity therapy, explains that a disturbance in this energetic system causes a departure from good health.
By incorporating energy mapping of the five natural elements (Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth) and the seven primary energy centers or chakras, polarity therapy encourages each energetic field to achieve unrestricted, optimal vibration levels. A polarity practitioner adds their own energy to a disordered field, to create vibration in unison. Known in physics as a Bose-Einstein Condensate, creating vibratory unison allows a dysfunctional organ to work more effectively. Similar to understanding entropy in quantum physics, proponents of polarity therapy acknowledge that healing occurs as energetic order is restored to systems that had previously been disordered.
Polarity in Practice
Mostly using very gentle types of bipolar contact, polarity bodywork involves many techniques. Characteristic of polarity, bipolar contact is when a practitioner uses the fingers of both hands to energetically and functionally link related areas of the body for energy movement. Methods used include cranial holds, rocking movements, techniques similar to reflexology and some osteopathic and chiropractic influenced moves. However, polarity therapy always emphasizes energetic work over manipulation. Since forceful manipulations are not part of polarity therapy, it is suitable for elderly and frail clients.
Whether practicing polarity therapy or chromotherapy, bodyworkers have the opportunity to put their physics knowledge to good use. For a Western science trained, analytical mind, both modalities are logical ways to influence well-being. If proficient in both chromotherapy and polarity, practitioners can combine the two to increase the therapeutic effectiveness of their sessions.
Recommended Study:
References:, Color Therapy – Chromotherapy, Phylameana lila Desy,, Inc., 2008.
Rowen, Robert Jay, MD, 9 Alternative Health Scams, Second Opinion Publishing Inc., Atlanta, Georgia, 2002., Color Therapy, Association Alternative Medicine, 2008., Polarity Therapy: An Introduction, Will Wilson, American Polarity Therapy Association, 2008.